Updating Group Hold Music

Modified on Thu, 19 Sep 2019 at 08:44 AM

Logic - The hold music your callers hears when you place them on hold can be updated using the Broadsmart Admin Portal

**IMPORTANT** Prior to uploading copyrighted audio for your hold music please ensure that you obtain a copyright release from the author.

The audio file needs to meet the following standards in order to upload it: 

WAV file 

8,000 or 16,000 kHz 

8 or 16 bit mono 

µ-law, A-law, or PCM

Maximum audio length of 10 minutes

Maximum file size of 5MB

Step 1. Locate the proper group/location that the hold music needs to be uploaded to and select it.

Step 2. Select the "Announcement Repository" option

Step 3. Select the "Add" option

Step 4. Name the file and select the "Choose File" option to select the hold music file you want to upload and then choose "OK" to upload and save the file

Step 5. Select the "Services" option and then the "Music/Video on Hold" menu

Step 6. Edit the existing "Group"

Step 7. Under the "Music/Video on Hold message" section, select the radio button for "Custom Music/Video File" and use the audio drop down to select the file you uploaded earlier, once completed select "OK"

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